⚽Game Concept

Compete with your friends or 5TARTERS around the world for free, win prizes, and show the world who knows more about Football!

A New Web3 Game for all Football Fans

5TARS has different Match Combat Arenas, each Arena represents a real-life Event Football Game where 5TARTERS can make predictions before the beginning of the game. Players can predict scores, possession percentages, which player will score the first goal, and players can also predict the number of red cards, yellow cards and corners each team will get.

Learn more about Prediction Points.

NFTs will act as boosters in order to increase your points, based on the performance of the players during the game, which impacts your position on our Leaderboards. The top players on our leaderboards will win amazing gift cards from GoGift!

Learn more about Fantasy Points.

Challenge the rest of the 5TARTERS community, compete and climb up in the Arena Leaderboards. Become the best predictor and win amazing prizes.

For more information, check out our Game Rules page.

Last updated